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Thursday, June 5, 2014

PANGEA SIOP Academic Conversations Lesson Plan

Sheltered English Lesson Plan
Grade: 6, Science
Unit/Theme: Academic Conversations: Opinion Continuum

WIDA Level: Expanding (Level 4) and Bridging (Level 5)

Can Do Descriptors:

• Identify main ideas and details of oral discourse
• Complete content-related tasks or assignments based on oral discourse
• Apply learning strategies to new situations
• Role play, dramatize, or re-enact scenarios from oral reading

Paraphrase and summarize ideas presented orally
• Defend a point of view
• Explain outcomes
• Explain and compare content-based concepts
• Connect ideas with supporting details/evidence
• Substantiate opinions with reasons and evidence

Massachusetts Curriculum Framework:
·         RST.6.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts.
·         SL.6.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume and clear pronunciation
·         RST.6.8 Distinguish among facts, reasoned judgment based on research findings, and speculation in a text.

Content Objectives: SWBAT:
  • Explain the Theory of Continental Drift and the Theory of Plate Tectonics
  • Support an oral position using evidence

Language Objectives:
  • Define and use key vocabulary in a conversation
  • Use evidence of continental drift and plate tectonics to have a conversation
  • Support oral statements using textual evidence
  • Build on peer oral responses

Key Vocabulary
Harry Hess, Alfred Wegner
plate tectonics
Supplementary Materials
“elaborate” and “clarify” prompt cards
opinion continuum strips
Science Textbook

Essential Question:
Was there really once the Pangea supercontinent?

Lesson Narrative Summary:
Half of the students in the 6th grade integration science class will each get an opinion continuum sheet labeled with “Pangea” and “it existed” or “it didn’t exist.” Students with these sheets will pair up with nonsheet students and ask their opinions as to whether Pangea existed or did not exist (just as scientists challenged Alfred Wegner when he first developed his theory.) The sharing student must elaborate and justify his or her opinion with examples and then sign his or her name on the continuum at the point that matches his or her opinion, without being directly in the middle. After rotating partners and conversing with at least three others, each sheet holder must sign his or her name on the continuum and provide elaboration and justification to a nonsheet partner. In closing, sheet students can share out what their partners argued and whether they were swayed by the conversations. If there is time, nonsheet students can get a sheet and the roles reverse.

As an assessment, have students write a paragraph response as to whether they believe there is enough evidence to prove that there once was a Pangea supercontinent, supporting their ideas with evidence from the text.

Students can have a debate in front of class, with two dissenting opinions sharing their ideas, supporting both with scientific evidence and key vocabulary.

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